Training | Chemical management, Ensuring efficient management of chemicals

Chemical Reuse, Recover, Recycling


This tool aims to guide trainers, facilitators, and service providers responsible for disseminating knowledge about Chemical Management, specifically focusing on the training course covering Chemical Reuse, Recycling, and Recovery.

The materials have a dual purpose: to deepen trainers' understanding of chemical management and to help them incorporate these principles into their advisory services. While referencing international chemical management standards, it's essential to adapt them to comply with national standards and regulations.

The GIZ Chemical Management Self-Learning course, along with REMC materials, can be accessed through the GIZ-administered atingi learning platform. 

Main features and components

  1. Eight Specialized Presentations: The training course comprises eight presentations tailored to specific topics.
  2. Comprehensive Content: Section 2 of the trainer guideline provides a detailed overview of these presentations, offering insights into their content and relevance.
  3. Additional Resources: Each presentation includes links to further reading materials, and some incorporate quizzes to reinforce learning and assess progress.

Target Groups:

The primary audience for this trainer guide includes:

  1. Trainers: Those responsible for conducting training sessions.
  2. Advisors: Professionals offering guidance and expertise.
  3. Service Providers: Individuals and organizations involved in providing services related to chemical management and cleaner production.
  4. Individuals: Interest in understanding the fundamental concepts and principles of Chemical reuse, recycling, and recovery.

Learning objectives:

  • Chemical management principles and practices.
  • Sustainable production management tools like MFCA.
  • Hazard identification and risk management.
  • Chemical inventorying and management frameworks.
  • Environmental and economic assessments of chemical streams.
  • Circular economy concepts and their application in chemical management.

Implementation and work steps

  1. Options for Integration: As trainers, learning facilitators, or service providers, there are several flexible options for integrating the Chemical Reuse, Recycling, and Recovery training course into training or advisory activities.
  2. Utilizing Provided Presentations: Incorporate the provided presentations directly into training workshops. These presentations serve as comprehensive learning resources designed to convey essential information effectively.
  3. Facilitation Role: In this role, the primary responsibility is to guide and facilitate discussions and reflections on the presentation content with workshop participants.


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